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WFC @ South Bound Brook School District


The Before School Program begins at 7am and runs until school starts. The After School Program runs from dismissal time until 6:30pm. Program availability is based on enrollment numbers.


Work Family Connection staff are highly trained professional child care staff. A great majority of our teachers hold BA degrees or are currently in school for education, social work, psychology and other related fields. All employees must undergo fingerprinting criminal background checks, physical exams, TB testing, reference checks, alien/US citizen verification, and conviction statements. Many of our staff hold a current certification in CPR and First Aid.


A drop-in registration allows your child to attend the Program on an occasional basis. All drop-in students must be registered, and notification must be given in advance by calling the WFC Program phone number. Drop ins are billed at a daily rate.


Tuition is due on the 20th of each month, for the following month's services.

At the time of registration, the following are due:
1.The annual, non-refundable registration fee ($40/child or $60/family) - due immediately
2.The security deposit equivalent to approx. one month's tuition including fees/discounts (applied to your June's tuition) - due immediately
3.The first month's tuition - due by August 20th

If you are registering after the above listed dates, all of the above is due at time of registration.


The Work-Family Connection’s teaching staff believes that the Programs should serve as the student’s "home away from home" and are places where a great deal of growth and development take place. Within structure and limits, there needs to be much freedom and many choices. We believe that the environment should be challenging, both mentally and physically, foster independence, teach life skills, and allow students to grow intellectually, socially, and emotionally.

Based on this philosophy, a flexible daily schedule is developed. We want the Program to be the children's programs and to meet each group's needs. The daily schedule is not cast in concrete, but is flexible and changes to make room for special events, themes, and projects. The schedule may change throughout the year, after observing the groups' interactions and asking students about their interests.

Our Before School Programs Activity Schedule (Sample)
7:00 am: Program Opens

7:15am: Children may spend the program hours playing within our Activity Centers.

  • Structured Arts/Crafts
  • Games
  • Technology/Computer Center: Computers, education software, printers
  • Science Centers: Microscopes, hands-on experiments, nature, insects, etc.
  • Community Awareness Center: Careers, Transportation, Environmental Concerns, etc.
  • Construction Center: Robotix, Knex, Lego construction, Electronics
  • Music/Chill-Out Center: Rugs, bean bag, cd's, multi-cultural music and books
  • Recreation Center: Knock Hockey, Shuffle Board, Bean bag games
  • Games Center: Board Games, Table top games
  • Organized Sports: Non-competitive and competitive / Indoor or Outdoor

School Begins (times vary): Children Start their School Day

A Typical After School Programs Activity Schedule (Sample)

School Dismissal: Programs begin with Attendance and Snack

3:30 pm: Homework Club

4:00 pm: Open Activity Centers

  • Arts & Crafts
  • Gym and/or Outside
  • Technology/Computer Center: Computers, education software, printers
  • Science Centers: Microscopes, hands-on experiments, nature, insects, etc.
  • Community Awareness Center: Careers, Transportation, Environmental Concerns, etc.
  • Construction Center: Robotix, Knex, Lego construction, Electronics
  • Music/Chill-Out Center: Rugs, bean bag, multi-cultural music and books
  • Recreation Center: Knock Hockey, Shuffle Board, Bean bag games
  • Games Center: Board Games, Table top games
  • Organized Sports: Non-competitive and competitive / Indoor or Outdoor

6:30 pm: Program Ends

WFC @ South Bound Brook School District Logo
Contact Info
PO Box 1155
Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889
(908) 534-5985

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